Gentle Chiropractic Adjustment

Partner with Dr. Austin Simmons of the Simmons Chiropractic Clinic if you wish to try gentle chiropractic adjustment in Granger or Nappanee, IN.

What Is Gentle Chiropractic Adjustment?

Chiropractic adjustments administered by licensed professionals are perfectly safe. The chiropractor providing your treatment has undergone extensive training. You can be confident that they will take the best possible care of your body.

Even if all that is true, some people still cannot help but feel apprehensive about receiving chiropractic care. They don’t want to be on the receiving end of forceful spinal adjustments. The cracking noises are enough to make them nervous. And it is also true that for people with certain conditions, standard adjustments may not be appropriate.

If you have been hesitant to receive chiropractic care for those exact reasons, you’ll be glad to know that there is an alternative. Instead of receiving conventional care, you can opt for a gentle chiropractic adjustment.

As you’ve probably guessed, gentle chiropractic adjustments are delivered with lesser force. Dr. Simmons still strives to provide effective care, but they do so while administering the least amount of force possible.

Gentle chiropractic care is easier on the body. Conventional chiropractic treatment sessions are already relaxing. The ones that feature gentle chiropractic adjustments soothe the body even further.

Rest assured that you’ll still experience the benefits of chiropractic care even if you opt for the gentler adjustments. Gentle chiropractic care offers pain relief and it also does a great job of mobilizing your joints.

You can experience gentle chiropractic adjustment in Granger and Nappanee, IN by working with Dr. Simmons of the Simmons Chiropractic Clinic.

What Techniques Are Used in Gentle Chiropractic Care?

How do chiropractors perform the necessary adjustments without using a significant amount of force? To ensure their patients still receive the care they need, chiropractors will rely even more on their knowledge of the human body.

Expect your chiropractor to start moving and stretching your body in certain directions. These motions will be gentle, but they will help correct any misalignments present in the patient’s body. More emphasis is placed on stretching the vertebrae instead of twisting the spine.

Non-rotational adjustments are also used often in gentle chiropractic care. These adjustments are easier on the body compared to the more conventional spinal adjustments.

Your chiropractor may also use special pieces of equipment to provide the care you need. For instance, the drop table works great for administering gentle chiropractic care because it mitigates the amount of force that's applied to your body.

Call 574-271-4628 to schedule your appointment with Dr. Simmons of the Simmons Chiropractic Clinic and receive gentle chiropractic adjustment in Granger, IN and Nappanee, IN.

Granger Location Hours By Appointment Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 5:30pm Friday 11:30am-1:00pm

Granger Location Walk-in Hours


2:00 pm- 5:00 pm


2:00 pm- 5:00 pm


10:00 am-12:00 pm

2:00 pm- 5:00 pm


2:00 pm-5:00 pm


11:30 am - 1:00 pm *Special Hours


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Nappanee Location By Appointment 574-500-1009


8:00 am-6:30 pm


8:00 am-6:30 pm


8:00 am-6:30 pm


8:00 am-6:30 pm







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